Wednesday, September 26, 2007

5:30 p.m. at our house

Browning hamburger (with onion) reminds me of my mom. I often did this job for her back in my younger years. Tonight it went in Taco Soup.

Andrew stood on the stool and watched intently.

Fall has come to my entryway.

And Halloween to my chair. This fabulous embroidered piece finally made it out of the drawer of no return and became a pillow. I remember working on this the Halloween after Andrew was born. He was only 2 weeks old and he kept me company while I sewed and handed out goodies. It's so happy to have grown up into a cute pillow after two long years.


Anonymous said...

What a cute little Halloween pillow! You are so crafty.

Lindsay said...

Love taco soup. Love the entryway. LOVE the pillow. Yay for fall!!!

Alisa said...

I love the pillow too! What a fun post!