Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pretty presents

I LOVE it when my tree is surrounded by wrapped presents. I usually try to get them done earlier so I can enjoy them longer. It is deep in my blood to wrap pretty presents with beautiful bows, dating clear back to my Grandma Nina, maybe longer. So now my Christmas decor feels complete.

And here are Dawn's birthday presents. I haven't been this happy with the wrapping results for a long time. Could it have something to do with all the pink and silver? Naw.


Laura said...

You make beautiful bows like your mother! I remember going over to her house around Christmas time and seeing all the beautifully wrapped presents. One year when Paige drew my name for our friend gift exchange she had your mom wrap my present. That bow was so pretty I didn't even want to open it.

Are you available to come to my house and wrap all my gifts too? I'll pay you.

Lindsay said...

Beautiful. How do you keep them from getting unwrapped?!

I'm impressed you wrap things up so fancy for birthdays. We use newspaper on birthdays at our house.

Anonymous said...

next year I would like my birthday present wrapped in pink please! those are so beautiful. I myself resent taking the time to put bows on presents when my children and husband don't notice, so I just don't..But yours sure look nice. My children have already ripped some up, but hey, our Christmas tree fell down too, so what more could you ask?