We had a lovely piano recital with both our girls. Both are so good at practicing and not complaining. They really like it. It also helps to have a great teacher!
Matt's birthday happened on Memorial Day this year. We celebrated with a early neighborhood breakfast at the park (unfortunately he was in charge of it and so had to be up working early!), a picnic up Provo Canyon with his family, and a yummy dinner at his brother's house. I love Matt's family and always enjoy spending time with them, they really are my family in every sense. The beautiful hike
with lots of opportunities to throw rocks in water and a cool beaver dam. The sweet kids all had presents for their dad. Here Andrew has just bequeathed his light saber. Lucky for Matt, Andrew will continue to store it and keep it working for him! Dawn and Rachel each bought a sweet present, too. I love the sweet ideas that come from my kids. They make life beautiful and full of happiness.
We had a few days to check out St. Louis. Of course we went downtown to see the Arch, Gateway to the West. And saw the mighty Mississippi, very high from spring rain and runoff? (that's a very mountain thing and there weren't many mountains out there). We went to the zoo which was beautiful, but where I took no pictures. We went to the Botanical gardens which were also beautiful and I DID take pictures. Here are just a few.
The koi were something else. They were huge and their big vacuum like mouths just sucked up anything. Honestly, they kind of grossed me out, so I took a break elsewhere while they were well fed.
I recently took a little trip to St. Louis with my mom to attend the graduation of not one, but two brothers from Washington University's Law School. It was my first ever trip without my kids or husband since the beginning of this blessed union, 12 years ago.
We did some fun sightseeing (the Arch, the zoo, the botanical gardens which I'll share tomorrow). We had a lovely night with a leaky ceiling at the local Hilton, not so fun. And we had a great time just visting with family that has been "gone" for several years. It was a wonderful time, and so great to be able to share with my newly "Doctored" brothers. My nieces and nephew are darling! We had a great time getting reacquainted. Usually I'm so busy being a mom that I don't get to be a very fun aunt. But that changed this trip, and I liked it! And extra thanks to Lane and Julie who took such good care of us (fed us and housed us). They were great.