Monday, June 21, 2010

Memorial Day and a Birthday

Matt's birthday happened on Memorial Day this year. We celebrated with a early neighborhood breakfast at the park (unfortunately he was in charge of it and so had to be up working early!), a picnic up Provo Canyon with his family, and a yummy dinner at his brother's house. I love Matt's family and always enjoy spending time with them, they really are my family in every sense.

The beautiful hike

with lots of opportunities to throw rocks in water

and a cool beaver dam.

The sweet kids all had presents for their dad. Here Andrew has just bequeathed his light saber. Lucky for Matt, Andrew will continue to store it and keep it working for him!

Dawn and Rachel each bought a sweet present, too.

I love the sweet ideas that come from my kids. They make life beautiful and full of happiness.

1 comment:

LuckyMatt said...

And all those people you mentioned are what truly makes my life happy, too!