Wednesday, January 19, 2011


For the new year, I'm focusing on balance. It is a tricky walk. With a husband and 6 kids, 7 fish, 1 potty trainee, 80 loads of laundry, 12 full rooms, and so much else I have to carefully decide what to focus my time and energy on.

Last month, it was not this blog! It was having a magical Christmas with my 7 favorite people (plus many more family and friends). But we got it all done. Gifts for each other, for lots of extended family, cards, gifts for neighbors, decorating, baking, projects and lots of fun outings took up every available minute until the 24th (okay, and beyond, like the cards that might have gotten to you before 2011).

But this month, I'm thinking I want to write more down, share more thoughts. So I'm laying all out this month. We'll see how it goes. I have lots to tell you. Like the miracle of my 5th little potty trainee. Oh, the blessings of heaven have been heaped down upon us and her little froggy potty!

So, organize a closet or two with me and love a child or two. I'm getting in better shape, getting my house in shape and trying to get my schedule in shape, but all with balance (ie. sloooowly).


LuckyMatt said...

You're doing a fantastic job at the balance thing, honey. You help the rest of us keep our balance too.

Rob and Tonya Shallenberger said...

I only have 4 and I feel overwhelmed. Heavenly Father sends blessing in ways that will help us endure "happily".
You are great!