Friday, April 13, 2007

What I am NOT going to do today

A few weeks ago, my financial advisor, JE, advised me to take the Kolbe index to identify my individual strengths. I did, and one piece of advice it gave me was to choose something each day that I was NOT going to do.

So I am going to try it here on A Spot of Sun. It will be my own little daily shadow you might say!

Today I will not make dinner. Matt and I are going out for the night. That means macaroni for the kiddies! It's a good thing they love it, and it's nutritious too! The plan is to go to Ottavio's for dinner. And if the end-of-the-week, post-cleaning, cooking, cheering, booger-wiping, babysitting, church-do-gooding stamina doesn't fail us, we may go see the Impressionist art exhibit at BYU.

I'm going to take my cute new bag. My sweet mother found it for my at the mall while she was visiting. It's a Mondani bag. Never heard of it?, neither have I. Who cares if it's cute. Won't it be perfect for my sweet trip to Hawaii in June? What? I haven't told you about that yet? Well. . .It will definitely take more time than I have today. But don't worry, it's coming.

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